Episode 25: Fighting Online Antisemitism



This podcast was recorded before October 7, 2023, and does not reflect the events that occurred on, and after this date.

In this episode, we are joined by Tomer Aldubi from FOA (Fighting Online Anti-Semitism). Tomer provides an overview of FOA’s work, highlighting its efforts to combat online anti-Semitism since its establishment. FOA focuses on monitoring and removing anti-Semitic content across various online platforms and training volunteers to report harmful content.

Tomer discusses the intersection of online hate with societal issues such as political events and social crises. He emphasises the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration, involving social media platforms, governments, NGOs, and other organisations to effectively combat online hate. He shares FOA’s innovative approach, including training volunteers from diverse backgrounds and focusing on lesser-known platforms where harmful content often goes unnoticed.


Episode 26: digiQ


Episode 24: LICRA's Work in France